We are committed to ensuring a safe work environment
The safety and well being of personnel, the public, utilities, and public infrastructure is our priority. Utilidril Inc meets our commitments to safety through our safety system. Our safety system has been developed and integrated through all of our construction sites, facilities, services, and projects.
The purpose of Utilidril Inc. health and safety system is to protect and maintain the physical, psychological, and social well-being of employees. Furthermore, we are committed to emphasizing our integrated safety program that protects its employees, property, clients, contractors, visitors, and the public from injuries and economic loss.
We at Utilidril Inc. ensure that all our personnel are professionally trained. We provide safety-related training to minimize losses of human and physical resources.
The training includes, but not be limited to:
New hire safety orientations.
Alberta Occupational Health & Safety Acts and Regulations review.
Job specific training including common hazards and appropriate controls.
Safety training for supervisors and management.
Site specific hazard analysis/task identification and communication.
Health and safety meetings.
Management will ensure that employees are retrained annually for OH&S requirements and company procedures; and prior to expiry of First Aid, Confined Space Entry or other task-specific training that expires.
Two-way communication regarding health and safety is essential to a safe and healthy workplace. Management will encourage open communication with employees of all levels. The company will conduct 12 Health and Safety meetings each year, as close to once each month as can be reasonably scheduled.
Our high standard of safety and education in our services bolsters confidence in our clients and staff. We are prideful in our safety and continually educating ourselves to continue our high standard of excellence comparable to our services such as horizontal directional drilling.
For any questions regarding our safety procedures: